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What does de-spooking really mean?

Riding a Tense, Distracted and Spooky Horse is no fun. All too often we feel our only option is to ‘Just ride through it!’.

We finish feeling deflated and not good enough thinking “If only I had longer/stonger legs like my instructor” 😫

Well here’s a secret…

Teaching your horse to be confident and connected is NOT about being able to grip harder or ride more forward. It is also more than just introducing your horse to a flag, an umbrella, a plastic tarp and some pool noodles.

Truly transforming spooky or unpredictable behaviour is all about being able to identify WHY your horse is spooking (not all horses spook for the same reason) and TAILORING your training to help YOUR horse.

We need to teach our horses what to do when we run into problems.

So that rather than do what their instinct is telling them to do and run hell for leather in the other direction they LISTEN TO YOU

So that when....

🦅 The pheasant jumps out

🌳 The person who thinks they’re helping by hiding in a bush moves

🚴‍♀️ The cyclist that knows nothing about horses whizzes past

🐕 The crazy dog runs up to you both

Your horse knows 100% that the best thing they can do is listen to you EVEN IF THEY'RE SCARED

When you have this sort of connection with your horse, your confidence isn’t even a question why would you worry?

You ride out KNOWING that you guys are ready for anything and you can both have fun

because you have confidence in each other

This is what I want for you and this is why I created the Spooky Horses Courses.

"Your tips have worked so well"
"Your course is very reassuring and has give me a positive plan forward."
"Did 2 dressage tests and not one shy... it's definitely working"


Module 1

Learn why your horse is spooking

Module 2

Groundwork, build your horses confidence before you get on

Module 3

Ridden Exercises for Spooky Horses

Testimonials from previous course participants...

"I learnt loads. And I have just ridden in the wind today in the arena which was impossible before"
"I'm feeling a lot more confident about our training now, really
looking forward to carrying on with what we have learned"

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Lyla Cansfield and her horse Arielle

Hi, I’m Lyla

I believe that success with horses comes from understanding and connection.

Horses are happier and will respond better to training (in any sphere) when they understand your expectations and you understand theirs.

I came from a traditional horsey background. Early on I developed a love of dressage, schooling and understanding how to train horses. This led me to study Natural Horsemanship, Horse and Rider Behaviour for 3 years at home in the UK and 2 years in the US. In addition to this I have worked with Olympic Team Dressage trainer and rider Luis Lucio.

I have been teaching for over 15 years and my clients range from everyday riders to professionals.

My teaching brings together everything I have learnt from Natural Horsemanship, Dressage and a lifetime spent with horses.

Join me to discover why your horse is spooking and I will teach you simple techniques that can be applied in any situation to get you back in control quickly and calmly.